
At the Early Scholars Speech & Debate, I design programs and implement systems that are at the intersection of health, education and business. 

Why enroll your child in a speech and debate program? For so many reasons! Early Scholars is a great environment for students who are apprehensive about public speaking and for those who have difficulty organizing and articulating their ideas. Grounded on the premise that public speaking skills can be cultivated in any child, we’re not simply looking for accelerated learners, we’re committed to empowering students to use their voices to make friends, build social networks, and advocate for themselves. Early Scholars is committed to Creating Great Debaters!  

My philosophy is simple: As global citizens, every student should have the means to travel the world. Speech and Debate offers that limitless passport! It endows students with the experiences, histories, norms and ideologies of others, while simultaneously giving them the tools to effectively explain the world and shape their personal truths. I view curriculum development as an evolutionary process, one that requires constant scaffolding and iterations to make speech and debate competencies attainable by all. 

As you learn more about Early Scholars Speech and Debate, the first thing you’ll notice is our passion. If you’re ready to watch your child develop a lifetime of confidence and poise, schedule an appointment with our debate coordinator, Erela Datuowei, to learn more about our exciting opportunities!


Erin Jacques
Founder, CEO